That Sinking Feeling …
I recently helped Terry repair his kayak after it developed a leak around one of the recess holes. The depth sounder/drain holes are common wear spots because the plastic tends to be raised in these areas and is therefore prone to damage. The plastic is often quite thin around these spots due to the design of the hull.
Another common wear spot is at the stern of the Prowler kayaks. This can quickly wear through if the kayak is frequently dragged over beaches.
If you use the metal trolleys which ‘plug’ into the drain holes, take great care to check they do not damage the seam around the drain holes, as this is a common weak point.
Check your kayak for wear spots otherwise you may find your kayak filling with water and becoming very unstable.
As an added precaution we have installed airbags in our kayaks which you can buy from Stuart at Gone paddling: 07797728040.
Never underestimate how unstable a kayak can become with only a small amount of water sloshing about inside the hull.
If you spot an area getting thin, get in touch as I may be able to help fix it before it gets any worse.