Sit-on-top Kayak Club
Jersey Sit-on-top Kayak Club is open to anyone who has completed our courses and enjoys Sit-on-top and sit-inside style sea kayaking in Jersey.
To get the most from these trips, you must have some kayaking experience, such as attending our Introduction to Kayaking Course or Paddle Safer Course.
If you have not been on one of our courses, we need evidence of your paddle skills, e.g., any Britsh Canoeing/PaddleUk awards, etc. An option is to book one of our tours and ask staff to watch you do an assisted re-entry following a capsize and observe your general paddle skills.
Our Introduction to Kayaking and Free Paddle Safer course dates are listed here.
Kayak Club Paddles
This is for anyone with some kayaking experience who wants to spend more time on the water. Paddle in the company of others with an experienced instructor and guide.
The emphasis is on discovering our hidden coastline, observing wildlife, and learning about our island’s maritime history.
“Kayak Club” operates on a pay-as-you-paddle basis. There is no joining or membership fee to pay.
2025 Dates
Wednesday mornings 1000-1215;
Sundays 0930-1145:
Shorter Kayak Tours. I have added a shorter 1½ hour kayak trip option. These trips are on some Wednesdays and Fridays. Expect novice paddlers to also be on these tours. Book online if you need to use one of our kayaks and kit. If you have your paddle kit but need a kayak, please select a date and email me. I’ll then apply the Kayak Club reduced price and send you a payment request to confirm your booking. More information and online booking.

Have all your equipment; £26
You need a kayak and paddle; £32
You need all the gear and a kayak; £37.50
The Special prices only apply if you have completed a kayak course or have sufficient experience (which we may ask you to verify).
Select the relevant kit option when booking to get the reduced price:
Email Derek to be added to the email list to know the weekly venue.
Sit-on-top and closed-cockpit kayakers are welcome.
Look out for emails for other club events and trips.
Sign up for the Kayak Club newsletter to know the dates and venues.
Email Derek to book a place. Call me if you want more advice: 07797853033